Jeans shirt & skirt | Eco fashion

Recently, I began to reflect intensively on the concept and importance of ecological fashion. This is related to my lifestyle, which has changed radically. From this year I am doing Hatha Yoga every day  – not one that is taught in most yoga schools in Warsaw and which consists solely in the body gymnastics and stretching, but origins from ancient India, including deep meditative states during the performance of asanas. As you know this year I was for several weeks in Estonia and it was there that I began my real adventure with yoga and meditation. Part of the course was also an Ayurvedic diet according each dosha (body constitution). Therefore I stopped taking the white sugar, cow’s milk and switched to organic products – those that actually are ecological have a certificate visible on the package.
Returning to the subject of clothes, I know that not everyone can afford to buy clothes from the designer, or organic materials, but this is not what eco-fashion is about.
I think it is very important what to do with the clothes after a few years. Do we throw it away and completely replace or wardrobe? Do we have a weakness to buy a lot of things of low quality than few things of  good quality that will be used for years?

I think that we dressing up “organically” or strive for ecological, sustainable and slow fashion, if at least one of the 3 points is met:

  1. We buy in a season up to 1-2 things to refresh our wardrobe and image;
  2. We give each season clothes we do not use to people in need, or friends – clothes in this way are not wasted (for fashion bloggers this option works very well);
  3. We buy things from designers, small manufacturers, producers of clothing from eco-friendly materials – we focus on quality, not quantity;

Very often people throw away clothes that could be used for a long time by other people. Currently our civilization produces a huge amount of clothes, which, in principle, we do not need, but because we are often driven by impulse shopping, we are not aware of it. If each purchase was considered as buying a wedding dress, each person would probably have 10 times fewer clothes in the closet. I am a minimalist. I know that in the blog it looks like I have a closet full of clothes, but it is not like that. After using clothes for the photo shoot, I give it to various organizations as orphanages, colleagues, friends and family in Ukraine.

I know that my packages are sent to someone who is in need,and the feeling of helping somebody is much more valuable than the cost of clothes and things.



Styling | OOTD

Shirt – New Look
Skirt – New Look
Hat – New Look
Bag – Joanna Maxham

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. marcela

    nie chce być nie miła, ale ciuchy z new look i “good quality” nie maja za dużo wspólnego.

    1. Natalia Viktorovna

      Nie o to chodziło w artykule, chodzi o to aby ubrania się nie marnowały, nawet jeżeli kupujemy w sieciówkach możemy kupować mniej i dzielić się ubraniami z potrzebującymi, w razie jeżeli je nie nosimy, albo nie potrzebujemy ;)

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