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How to recognize an authentic Michael Kors wallet. How to spot a fake? | #iamauthentic

The previous article about an authentic Kenzo sweatshirt can be read here: “HOW TO RECOGNIZE AN AUTHENTIC KENZO SWEATSHIRT | #JESTEMAUTENTYCZNY


Michael Kors brand manufactures the bags and wallets using fabric (usually branded with MK logos) and natural leather. If you are looking at the fabric, make sure that the logo is even. It is a really common thing for me to see the logo/print displacement in counterfeited products. Even if the wallet was purchased in the outlet (or discounted) – it should always have the logo printed in the properway.

It is really difficult to authenticate leather. However, there are some basic rules that you should follow. First of all, the leather must be natural, so if you can notice the synthetic smell – it is surely a fake. Secondly, natural leather should have this delicate, silky touch. Fake leather feels a bit more like plastic.




MK brand uses hardware in two colours: silver and gold. Pay attention to the fastening of the metal elements of the product. Especially when looking at the metal plate branded with Michael Kors logo (Michael Kors EST. 1981) attached to the external part of the wallet. Make sure if it is fastened strongly and evenly. Besides, the proper and even spacing between the letters is a really important factor.




Another metal element that we should examine is the zip fastener: the cursor with the branded tag – to be more precise.

MK uses YKK branded zip fasteners. Sometimes you can meet „no name” coursors without any logo or simply with a number 8 engraved or stamped on it. Anyway – the coursor should work smoothly. It should always flow perfectly and it can’t block suddenly.

The plate attached to the coursor should be Michael Kors branded on both sides. The inscription must be stamped in metal precisely. You should be alarmed if the font or the way it was stamped is different than the one at the metal plate attached to the wallet. Also if the spacing between the letters is uneven or one of the letters appears lower or higher than the rest – you definitely hold a fake product in your hands.

And last but not least: if the zip fastener’s colour is gold and the other piece of hardware like circle key chain is silver –  be sure it is a fake.





Dimensions of the paper tag attached to the wallet are: 42 mm (width) x 89 mm (height). It is pale brown branded with white „MICHAEL Michael Kors” logo. On the reverse side it is branded with the same logo but white and you should find there information like: bar code and serial number defining the model, colour and materials used to produce it, the name of particular model and information if it is fabric or leather that was used. The tag is very often perforated on the bottom so that you can easily detach the price from the tag.






They must be even. There is absolutely no place for any irregularities. Make sure that the ending of the seams perfect and that the seams does not finish somewhere suddenly(it must flow accurately from the starting point to the finish line).

Wallets are small and so are the pockets, therefore the s– if made improperly – can easily get ripped. Remember that the threads should be exactly the same color as the rest of the wallet, so in case of examining blue leather wallet – all  threads should also be blue.

One detail about the fakes that you should keep in mind is that very often the threads’ endings are singed to avoid unstiching and that is unacceptable in original MK products.


I don’t want to focus here on the pockets but on two other details. At first let’s have a look at the lining – it can be beige or black. Pay attention to the logos – if they are uneven, probably the whole wallet is a fake.

The last thing applies to the „Michael Kors” logo stamped in leather. Always check if the spacing is even and if the inscription is straight and stamped regularly. And what really often appears in fakes – if there are no misprints or spelling mistakes.





You will find them inside the wallet, placed on the tiny silicone tag together with information on the country of production (it can be Vietnam, China, Indonesia, Korea, USA, sometimes also Italy). The code consists of 1 or 2 letters and 4 numbers. In some models, under the silicone insert you will find another white insert with the serial number – exactly the same as the one printed on the paper tag attached to the wallet. However, this is not a rule so don’t worry if you cannot find the white insert inside your wallet.





This Post Has 55 Comments

  1. Bebe

    Good material, thanks!

  2. Alexis

    I don’t see a serial number does it mean is a fake?

    1. Natalia Viktorovna

      There should be a serial number, I would suggest it is fake if you have not found it.

  3. catherine Tunnicliffe

    I have just bought a Michael more essential zip wallet for Apple iPhone. I got it from T K Max. Will it be real.

  4. Mau

    i checked my MK wallet right after i saw this article,the material and everything are ok but it is Made in Thailand.Do you think its fake?

  5. maria gomez

    My mk purse says its made in indonesia? Is it real?

    1. Natalia Viktorovna

      Well, you need to check all other criteria, however yes – it could be made in this country too.

  6. Jennifer

    Hi! just wanted to ask, if the MK Multifunction wallet doesn’t have serial/code # means it is fake? thanks in advance! :)

  7. Jennifer Zanghi

    Hello! there :)

    I just wanted to ask if the MICHAEL KORS Multi-function Phone Case Wallet, doesn’t have serial/code # inside (the silicone tag inside) is automatically fake or not?

    Thanks in advance! :)

  8. Trinh

    I want to ask. Why Michael kors buy in USA( authentic) but made in China.

    1. Natalia Viktorovna

      If I correctly understood the question, you mean that there is no sense to by authentic MK because it’s made in China. I think it’s more about being fair to companies, the designer creates his own designs and it is not good if someone wants to cheat and earn money on the talent of other persons.

  9. fabiola

    Hi my question is my wallet has the serial numbers but it says made in Thailand is it fake

  10. Anthony g

    I just bought a Mk wallet and has serial numbers and everything but says made in thailand

  11. Jennifer

    I just bought a wallet and a purse both have made in China tags. Could it be real. Its smells of leather.

    1. Yes, it is true. In the wallet you mentioned, the interior is beige, however I am not sure it is the authentic one. It is worth to take it to hand and watch all the details.

  12. cindi

    everything about my wallet was perfect,until…..I couldn’t find a code&the lining is chocolate brown,now I know what to look for,thank you

  13. Puri

    Hi, i just bought an MK bag. The lining looks authentic, it has serial number and also the stitchings are very neat. What bother me is the smell of the bag. It smells really plastic-y. I wonder whether the bag is authentic or not?

    1. Natalia Viktorovna

      In fact the bag should not have a bad smell, you need to go to the official MK shop and to see this bag. Than you will know for sure.

  14. Kary

    Hi i have a question i own a Michael Kors Hamilton and i believe its real exept it only has that see truh tag on the inside with the serial # yet it does not have the white one like my wallet does is it supposed to have it?

    Or is this not for every bag? Thanks hun

  15. Dyshon

    I have a Mk belt it says made in China but it doesn’t have a serial number unless its 551009 is it fake

  16. terra

    Isnt 8t true any designer purse, high end will have a barcode of authenticity? ??

  17. Janel C Cooley

    I bought a MK purse. The interior has the same lining as the wallet–the right side up and then upside down logo. Is that authentic?

  18. Renee

    I saw a wallet on posh it has a gold inside, they claim its real. Could it be

  19. Cynthia

    I’ve looked at videos & different websites & I can’t figure out if my MK HandBag is real or not? Is there something I should look for?

    1. Natalia Viktorovna

      This article is about wallets, I would go and look in the MK shop and check weather your bag has the same lining, color of leather etc.

  20. Huong Nguyen

    I hear some people say that the lining cloth of Michael kor handbag sewn adhesive to the bottom of it. Is that true for all?

  21. Sam

    My MK wallet has a black tag inside saying it was made in Vietnam but I can’t find a serial number anywhere inside the wallet. Also, the zip doesn’t appear to be YKK branded. Does this mean it’s a fake? Thanks in advance.

  22. Sarah

    Can you tell me if the MK Jetset Wallet in brown always has a name plate on the front. I have seen one on an online site (preloved) and I was interested in buying it. It doesn’t have name plate on front but has Michael Kors written all over it and has it written across the font in gold lettering. The seller insists its genuine but it also doesn’t have a serial number.

      1. Sandra

        Hi I have a question I just got a mk wallet from my friend she was selling I thought it was real because that the stuff she buys but my wallet doesn’t have a code and it’s a gold color

  23. Maria

    I purchased a bifold wallet and everything seems authentic EXCEPT that the plate on front. It’s not a squared rectangle, but rather has rounded edges (almost oval shaped) Is the plate always a a perfect rectangle?

  24. Liz

    I have a mk wallet it’s silver and has a round “mk” with Micheal Kors wrote on the bottom of the emblem. It is made of a good material. I can’t find it on the official website any ideas on how to see if it’s real

  25. Lauren

    My parents got me this michael kors purse.. it feels plastic, and the k and c looks a bit distorted, and on the inside on the pockets instead of it being michael kors print its MK circles

    1. Rob

      If the purse is in saffiano leather, it will feel plastic and wont smell like leather.

      Google “saffiano leather plastic” or “saffiano leather feel” or something like that.

      The lining sounds ok.

      In my experience, the C, is a little tiny bit lower than the rest av the cases on many bags. Dont know why

      1. Celeste

        I want to know if my michael kors wristlet is real or fake. It looks real and has the silicone Tag that says made in Vietnam and has 2 letters and 4 numbers. And it has a white tag with numbers and letters.

  26. LuLu

    Is my mk wallet fake, i googled the code and all the model comes up and everything matches what you said. The only thing is it said its maid in thailand

  27. Ju

    Yay mine real becouse i checked. For everything. I said and i found the lot number also

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